Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brycen - 9 months

I can't believe that we haven't been able to really see Brycen since we last took his newborn pictures! He sure has grown since then, coming with new moves and all! He gave us quite a range of baby emotions, but don't let some of the pictures fool you - the ones where his mouth is wide open are definitely of him screaming, but they were his HAPPY screams! He enjoyed showing off his new, bigger voice. Of course, we had to include a little military pride into some of the shots.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cullen - 6 Months!

I LOVE this little boy! His mommy and I have been friends since Tiny Tots and have been there for each other every since. You may remember his mommy's maternity post I put up this past summer. It was at his grandparents' house that I took his six month pictures - the same house that I once ran around and played in as a girl! Cullen is a little charmer, but the "all-knowing" twinkle in my eye tells me that he is going to keep his mommy and daddy on their toes!

Easton - 6 Months!

Easton has sure changed since the last time we photographed him for his three month pictures! The growth of new baby teeth and stronger sitting skills are sure signs that Easton is a growing baby boy! He came up from Nebraska with his mom and dad, and I met them at Grandma's house. We then went to the local city hall for some natural light and wide open spaces. His favorite part of the morning - tummy time on the big open floor!

Monday, February 6, 2012

John and Holly - Soon to be Married!

Holly and John are newly engaged and celebrated the occasion with an engagement session. Some pictures were taken in Stephen, and some out at their farm with some of their favorite "toys". While you'll see their June wedding pictures up on our blog next June, it may be the first Sustad Photography wedding that I will not be at because I am due just 2 days after their wedding!
Congratulations, John and Holly